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Leaded Panel

Since lead is a soft substance, it is a material that can be easily hammered and shaped. It is also a poisonous type of metal. The construction sector comes first at the beginning of the general usage areas. In addition, it is frequently used in the manufacture of bullets and solder, and in the outer surface coating of batteries.  Lead panel is mostly used for protection in x-ray rooms of hospitals, radiation rooms and fountains and roof coverings of mosques. Electrical conduction is a very low substance. Due to its resistance to corrosion, it can be used safely in areas where corrosive substances are present. It is a material with high density and low cost, and it is widely used in many different areas due to its resistance to rays. Leaded panels are also used in lead coating and lead shielding processes.

Lead Panel Features

The leaded panel is produced with wheels and in multi-parts for easy transport according to the area of use, and can be folded or mounted in a fixed way in accordance with the dimensions of the area. It creates a shield against harmful rays by acting as a curtain, especially in areas where MR devices are available, in rooms where bone measurement is made, and in places where mammography devices are used. Antibacterial lead panels, which are used in operating rooms and areas with high hygienic conditions for medical treatment, are very easy to disassemble and install and portable materials. It is very simple to install and can be removed from where it is attached and used in different areas. It can be designed in accordance with the dimensions of the area to be used. It is an easy to clean and durable material. It is also used for roof coverings and sound insulation. It is produced in different sizes, shapes and thicknesses in accordance with the needs. It is possible to use lead in many areas because it has the feature of being easily shaped.

Antibacterial Lead Panels

Antibacterial lead panels are protected against leakage and permeability. The materials used on the outer surface may differ as stainless steel or wooden lead panel. It is a high-tech product developed to provide superior quality and protection in lead panel room coverings. During installation, it should be worked very carefully and protected from contact. It should also be applied to leaded panel doors and patient dressing cabins, which are especially used in x-ray and radiation room coatings. The door should be kept closed during the process to protect from harmful rays. In order to prevent leakage between the panels, the panels must be installed completely together and without any tears or holes. Lead coated panels can be produced in different colors and sizes. It is very easy to install, but it will be useful to get expert help since it is a toxic material.


Lead Panel Prices

For the long-term durability of lead plates and for maximum efficiency, products with high purity should be used. Wooden panels are also presented to the consumer in a ready-to-install form, designed in desired dimensions and shapes by covering the surface of the lead material with MDF and pressing. The wooden lead panel, which is generally used on the doors of the radiation rooms, is produced in various colors and the surface is germ-free and can be easily cleaned by wiping. The absence of foreign raw materials in the product raw material helps the product to provide high protection. Lead metal, which can be easily shaped, can be easily applied to any surface and can fully adapt to the surface shape. It is possible to find the most suitable product option for you among the panel types produced in different thicknesses according to the characteristics of the area to be used. It is also used in mosques, performance centers and conference halls due to its sound insulation. Lead panel price may vary depending on the quality and weight of the raw material used. The panel thicknesses and plate sizes to be used are one of the determining features in pricing. Lead panel prices are offered to you with price options suitable for every budget. Long-lasting use is very advantageous in terms of price and performance. You can learn the most suitable options for the area you will use by consulting the professionals.

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