Radiation oncology department treatment unit linear accelerator rooms door production, assembly, assembly, reinforcement, renewal and revision processes are designed and applied by our experienced staff as HHC medical engineering.

What is Linak Door?
What is a linac door, in short, it is a radiation-proof door. Radiation is rays that harm the human body. Exposure to radiation should be avoided and some protective measures should be taken in areas where radiation is high. Although technological devices such as television, telephone and computer at home emit radiation, the level of radiation they emit is not harmful. However, especially in hospitals, machines used in procedures such as x-rays and MR, which are of great importance for disease diagnosis, emit radiation. The walls and doors of the rooms where high radiation occurs while working, and where machines, also called linear accelerators, are operated, are produced from special materials. Linac door is produced from materials that absorb radiation.
Linak Door Features
Linac doors are determined according to the radiation level of the machines emitting radiation in the rooms where they will be used. Linak door types differ according to their usage areas and sizes. Linak door features;
Linac pots work on linear or sprocket lines.
Linac doors are produced by calculating the protection levels suitable for the power of the devices that will operate in the room where they will be used.
Linak doors can work by sliding to the side with its special system.
Linak doors have manual intervention equipment in cases such as malfunctions or power cuts.
Linak doors are designed and produced to work smoothly and without errors.
Lead leaf and brick are used in the production of linac doors.
Linak Door Solutions
Linak door solutions are prepared under certain international standards. Linear accelerator room doors can be produced in certain dimensions, features and standards. For the answer to the question of how to make a linac door in accordance with the standards, the doors that comply with the standards are as follows;
The design of the sliding door systems should be such that there is a minimum gap between the door and the wall. It should also be leak-proof and radiation-proof, providing adequate overlap.
The concrete on which the door will be mounted must be flat and smooth in C-40 standards. If there is any deformation or inclination of the walls that the linac door will contact, correction should be made.
The door must be at least 13 cm larger than the concrete frame in 3 directions.
Primer paints, anti-rust paints and special topcoat paint should be used on parts of linac protective doors.
Large plate lead, which causes horizontal scattering, should not be used in the armoring process.
Sliding door systems must have an electric motor chain or belt drive system. The acceleration and deceleration options of the motor and the closing and opening speeds should be able to be adjusted independently of each other.
Linak doors should have electronic edge switches, emergency stop system and jam back opening systems as standard.
Leakage measurements and tests are required before Linac doors are put on sale.
All buttons should work completely and smoothly.
The pressure sensor is positioned on the front edge of the door to increase safety. Thanks to its special sensor, when it encounters a pressure above 10 atmospheres, it sends a signal to the door motor and ensures that the door stops.
Linak doors must have an emergency handle. It allows the door to be opened manually in case of a possible power failure.
Radiation leakage test of the linac door and its frame needs to be done by a physicist every 3 months.
Linak Door Prices
Linak door prices vary according to the usage areas, features and dimensions of the doors. It is recommended to buy linac doors, which are among the most important precautions to be taken against radiation leaks, from specialist manufacturers. Linak door models differ according to their usage areas and shapes. Assembly, door production, door frame installation are processes that require high precision. Professional support is a must for linak doors. Doors produced with the necessary standards and features provide full protection. Turkish Atomic Institution approved linac doors are options that comply with standards. You can contact the seller for detailed information and prices.