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Radio Therapy Department Sub-Unit Supply

We provide new and second-hand sub-units to the radiotherapy department of the oncology unit in your health institution.


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Radiotherapy Department Sub-Unit Supply

Many factors are revealed with the supply of subunits in the radiotherapy department. In terms of high quality and modern design of the devices, a very functional form is presented in hospitals. Radiotherapy devices, which provide application on many different diseases, create a superior treatment method and offer an easier application with the lower unit floor. Radiotherapy department sub-unit supply is provided with high-spec devices in oncology departments. These ingredients, which are very necessary for the treatment of patients, also draw attention in terms of compliance with their usage areas. While the devices used in radiotherapy are generally put into practice in cancer patients, they are also used for many x-ray and radiation-requiring procedures.

Radiotherapy subunit supply devices;

  • external radiation

  • internal radiation

  •   my planning

  • Simulation

  • mask room

  • X rays

  • Klystron support

  • IT

  • MRI

  • USG

  • PET

  • image fusion


How should the Radiotherapy Department Sub-Unit be Procured?

The radiotherapy department provides a very functional and protective feature with its sub-unit supply and linac product contents. Radiation x-rays, which are harmful to the health of the specialist and their patients, are prevented by this safe structure. In this way, devices that undergo radiotherapy in accordance with certain rules during use create high safety and efficiency. The supply of radiotherapy subunits should be in a design that benefits people by offering a very high potential with its special structure and durability. Radiotherapy device brands, which reveal a very dazzling structure with their high form and quality designs, draw attention with many different details. It creates a superior performance by offering various functionality to its users with its material structure and features.

Radiotherapy device brands;

  • CyberKnife

  • TrueBeam STx

  • Rapidarc

  • It appears as Elekta Versa HD and similar.

What are the Sub-Unit Devices of the Radiotherapy Department?

With its form, radioactive rays should be compatible with the device used, however, they should cause minimal damage to the patient's body. With the special design and materials of the device, many details are revealed and the sub-unit supply uses a treatment method thanks to a protective structure. When faced with the question of what are radiotherapy devices, many device names are heard.


  • kilo voltage unit

  • mega voltage unit

  • contact therapy device

  • super voltage unit

  • Van de graaf generator

  • linear accelerator

  • medium voltage therapy device

  • Cobalt 60

  • superficial therapy device

  • betatron

  • microtone

  • cyclotron

The names of radiotherapy devices are usually given depending on the characteristics of the device used and are shaped by its high performance. Reflecting its potential with its modern design, the devices are used in many compatible radiotherapy centers and hospitals. With the supply of sub-units in the radiotherapy department, many auxiliary functions are put forward and the ground is prepared for easy use.

What is the use of Radiotherapy Department Sub-Unit Supply?

Radiotherapy treatment devices are created with high energy and contribute greatly to the treatment of many people. Specially prepared devices for the specialist or the patient adjust the radiation rate as the body. In general, the supply of sub-units, where people's safety is created, provides high efficiency and provides access to a wide audience. These radiotherapy devices, which are used for cancer treatment and many patients receiving a different treatment,  It is distributed to the human body in seconds with easy and practical applications. Radiation easily dispersed by x-rays on the point to be warned works without damaging the skin. Radiotherapy devices, which provide a useful structure by providing a very useful function in diagnosis, reflect different features with their highly durable form. The reactions that occur on the patient with high efficiency and energy flow help the human body to be treated without the need for a surgical operation. 

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